Irina Marc

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Healing Self and the planet with the help of April 2024 energies

The universe will offer us a unique opportunity to heal ourselves and the planet in April 2024. You can also listen to the video I made on YouTube (

At the end of this article, I'll introduce a practical activity to help with healing a feeling of separatness, so that you can feel unity with others not only from a logical perspective, but also an emotional, embodied one.

The total eclipse of April 8 is a significant event everyone has heard about. The eclipse marks an alignment of our two personal planets, the Moon and the Sun. Their energies blend to support each other. The Sun represents the journey our Soul plans to take in this life. Your Sun sign can serve as a guide for your Soul, saying : "This was the reason you chose this life; this is where you will be destined to go."

The moon represents our emotional gifts or spiritual essence.

Eclipses represent the perfect moment when our life's purpose and emotional talents align.

There is still more. Chiron is another essential aspect that deserves discussion. He is known as the "wounded healer." We all enter this life with a wound. Some believe it will never heal, while others see healing as possible. But the ultimate goal of the Soul is not always a complete personal healing. Chiron is primarily responsible for helping us identify areas of our lives where we can show compassion and help others. The message of Chiron is : "I am hurt by lack of understanding and empathy." As I understand how painful it is for me, I can help others: "I see you and you are not by yourself." The eclipse of April 8 brings together our instinctual selves (Moon), life goals(Sun) , and wounds (Chiron).

For deeper understanding of the planetary energies and their impact, it’s essential to study the Sabian symbols. Sabian symbols are a collection of metaphysical concepts that were clairvoyantly revealed to Elsie Wheele and then adapted by the pioneering humanistic Astrologer Dane Rudhyar to serve as benchmarks of soul growth and evolution from Aries through Pisces and back to Aries.

As quoted from Dane Rudhyar, the Sabian Symbol for the eclipse that occurs at 19 degrees of Aries is "The Magic Carpet of Oriental Imagery." This symbol does not represent protection but rather imagination. Imagine a magic carpet that can take you whenever you want to go and make all your desires possible. A notion of embracing all possibilities encourages us to imagine how our lives would be if they could be transformed magically. When we view from a magic carpet, we can consider our perspective in an aerial view. We ask ourselves, "How does it feel to adopt this aerial perspective?" What's important? What is the Soul's perspective on the world? What is my Soul's view of the world? This helps us to look at the world from a more soulful, aerial perspective.

A variety of forces are contributing to the planetary crisis that we are currently facing. Our role as spiritual healers in planetary and self-healing becomes vital. We can contribute to the planet's healing by addressing our sense of separation and transforming it into Oneness.

Even if we heal a small part of ourselves, it helps the whole system.

Even if you only share our message of love and unity with one person, it will help heal the planet.

The next step to review is the meaning of 20 Aries, which represents the immediate progression of Sun, Moon, and Chiron. This symbol is "A girl feeding birds during winter," which can be interpreted to mean overcoming the crisis with compassion. The sabian symbol of Aries 20 is about compassionately overcoming the crisis. Here is a direct quote from Dane Rudhyar's "Astrological Mandala": "Migrating bird fly south, but by establishing a partnership with other creatures who are unable to escape winter deprivation and death, man can maintain spirit's (symbolized as birds) life through all crises. Although birds migrate, humans are able to preserve their spirit through crises by creating partnerships. We reach our pinnacle in human development when we overcome a crisis through compassion and love for all living things and connecting with the natural world. The eclipse's energies are incredibly supportive and will propel us in this direction throughout the rest of the year.

Imagine how profound it would be if you felt, without a doubt, that you were one with the entire human race. Feel compassion for yourself and then extend it to another human being.

Consider those who are on the margins of society, who are emotionally and physically cold. They need love, compassion, and help just as much as you. The eclipse's energy encourages compassion, imagination, and a birds-eye view of life and yourself.

Let's now discuss Chiron. Why is it essential to connect our wounds with the healer in us? The story of Chiron, that encompasses many themes, give us an answer.

We all have a "wounded healer" in our natal charts. Chiron's main themes are ancestral burdens, violence and betrayal from the father and mother, abandonment, and not being accepted by the family. Another theme is the balance of logic and reason about the instinctual nature of the animal's wound. The final chapter in Chiron's Hero Journey is the ultimate sacrifice.

How did Chiron came to existence? Cronus (Saturn) searched the Earth to find Jupiter, who was hidden by his mother so that he would not be devoured. (Cronus ate all of his children out of fear of his child overthrowing him). On his journey he encounted a water nymph Philyra, the beautiful daughter of Oceanus, and became overcome with a desire to possess her. Philyra changes into a mare to try to escape Cronus. In analysis, this act can be looked at as desire to hide a true nature our of fear and desire to escape. Here we are already encountering the ancestral karma of self-betrayal carried by Chiron.

Cronus became a stallion and caught up to Philyra, who was disguised as a mare. He raped Philyra, then continued his search for Jupiter. Philyra got preganant and right after delivery was horrified by her child's appearance and abandoned Chiron immediately.

She was so ashamed of her child, that she begged the Gods to change her to something else, other then herself, and was transformed into a Linden tree.

This is a second instane of self-betrayal and shame transferred to Chiron. Chiron's story reveals that he was betrayed twice by his mother and also carried the ancestaral burden of violence on his father’s side.

Chiron was forced to endure abandonment as well as ancestral shame. He was denied mother’s love because of his appearance, not just because he reminded her of the violence. The shame she felt over his appearance exacerbated the situation.

Chiron in Aries calles for addressing the abandonment and shame wound. Aries’s core message is : "I am a child of God! I have the Right to be Me and to Exist just because of who am I."

Chiron's major wounds in Aries are "I have no rights to exist.” “My existence is a burden for others” “I have to prove and justify my existence”, "I cannot exist because other people are not OK with me."

Apollo, the Sun God, later adopted Chiron. Here we see the contrast between Chiron's primal, instinctive nature and Apollo's logical, ethical judgment. Apollo represented the final judgment, tempered by logical, well balanced compassion, while Chiron, partially a beast, in deeply connection to our illogical, instinctual nature.

Chiron, after being instructed by Apollo, began to teach some of Apollo's children and heroes. He served as a mentor to figures like Jason and Hercules. He also mentored Asclepius, who became a famous healer.

Chiron ‘s injury gives a new dimension to his character. How did Chiron get his injury? Enraged by the centaurs' mistreatment of nymphs, Hercules' favorite student began to shoot poison arrows tainted with Hydra blood at them, leading to their death. One of the poisoned arrows struck Chiron's horse part in the hip.

This incident highlights two significant themes: The juxtaposition between the perfection of being a superhuman (the heroism of Hercules) and our instinctual urges that could be considered flawed expressions of humanity. This incident warns against denying humanity and our connection with the rest of our planet.

Chiron’s wound , caused by a poisoned arrow, never healed. He traveled the world in search of personal healing, but could not achieve it and lerned to live with the pain. He channeled his energies into helping others heal, using the knowledge he gained in his journey to self-healing.

Chiron shows us how we can be compassionate and can help those with similar wounds. We may be unable to heal ourselves completely, but we can help others. There will always be people with identical wounds.

The conjunction of Chiron's energy with the Sun eclipse shows that the focus on healing is not only on the individual but also on helping others heal, contributing to the planet's healing.

How do we heal? Accepting others as they are. You can do this by acknowledging that others are also children of God. They are no worse or better than you.

Chiron's journey culminates in him changing places with Prometheus, who stole fire from the Gods to give it to humanity. Prometheus' fate was to be chained on a rock where a giant griffin would eat his liver daily. Then, the liver would regenerate overnight and be eaten again the next day. Prometheus was to be released if an immortal choose to become mortal and descended to Tartarus.

Hercules intervened with Gods on Chiron's behalf to allow the exchange to occur, resulting in Prometheus's liberation, while Chiron went into Tartarus's darkness thus being released from the pain.

This final sacrifice can be viewed as a surrender of the ego that leads to true self-healing.

Let's now discuss the shift from personal to transpersonal. This shift is highlighted by the Mars and Saturn conjunctions that occurred immediately following the eclipse of April.

Saturn is the threshold between personal and transpersonal worlds, while Mars represents the profoundly personal aspect.

The Saturn Mars conjunctions takes us from personal concerns to collective concerns, resulting in a fusion between the two. This notable conjunction occurs at 14.41 degrees Pisces. Pisces brings a collective and transpersonal dimension to the zodiac, with a Pisces’s ruler Neptune symbolizing unity and connection with higher powers.

The progression from the eclipse on April 8 to the conjunction on April 10 represents a journey from Aries's "I am" individual identity to Pisces's universal Oneness.

Saturn, the component in this conjunction, is also associated with karma. This is where our ancestral burdens, legacies, and responsibilities from previous lives, as well as gifts and legacy, collide with Mars's “ I am, I exist" energy.

Mars is also the embodiment of willpower, and can be transferred to either distructive or contructive means. We are responsible for the way we channel our energies and Mar’s willpower can be utilized as the ability to heal or transcend.

The Sabian symbol for Pisces 14 is "A lady in a large stole made of fox hair." This symbol calls using intelligence and intellectual power to protect yourself against storms and challenges.

The next symbol is where energies and forces move, 15 Pisces is : "An officer instructing a group of men under a simulated attack with live shells." This keynote emphasizes the need for discernment when engaging in rituals that are inherently dangerous and involve the use of force. Do you notice how it resonates with current events?

Mars and Saturn are in conjunction every two years. This may not be a rare event, but it sets the tone for upcoming years. The conjunction of April 10th 2024 encourages us to use our intellectual and mental powers to prevent a further deterioration and catastrophe in the world.

We can achieve extraordinary power by using intelligence and mental strength. It is essential to carefully consider any complex or dangerous actions before committing. The ability to use our power effectively is crucial for our salvation.
What are your plans to use the Mars-driven power of will in the social realm?

The Pisces encourages us to reflect upon our intentions when utilizing our willpower (Mars).

How can our willpower be used to serve humanity and the world?

I want to conclude by exploring the conjunction of Jupitor and Uranus that occurs ten days after the Mars-Saturn combination on April 20 in Taurus. Taurus, the fascinating sign, is associated with Buddha, whose birthday falls on May 15.

This combination of Jupitor/Uranus energies brings about a transpersonal dimension. Jupiter, our personal planet, is already guiding us to a collective reality. Jupiter's sign transcends personal identification, as it is shared by all those born in a certain timeframe. This planet brings together people born in the same period and expands our perspectives beyond what they are used to. It is more like an emotional transcendence than spiritual that would be a realm of Neptune.

Jupiter aligns the mental and emotional faculties by merging with Uranus' energies, representing evolution and revolution.

A conjunction of this type, which occurs once every fourteen years, is a significant event. On April 20, it occurs at 21. 50 degrees Taurus.

We will examine the Sabian Symbols starting with 21 degrees Taurus and then move to 22 degrees Taurus. The symbol for 21-degree Taurus is a "Finger pointing to a dotted line in an opened book." Dane Rudhyar's keynote emphasized determining personal relevance within one's culture or religion. What does it mean for us? We have an open invitation to examine our culture, religion, family heritage, and social circles. The energies encourage us to identify elements of our religious and cultural backgrounds that resonate with our personal truths and to discard those that don't.

The sabian symbol of 20 Taurus is "A dove over troubled water," that I think is perfect conclusion for our discussion. This symbol is a metaphor for a spiritual inspiration for navigating a difficult situation.

The dove, always a peacemaker and peace bearer, calls us to address the healing of the planet by connecting with the spirit represented in all by connection with “Christ” or “Buddha” nature and acknowledging our Oneness.

The world is currently experiencing a crisis that includes widespread physical and emotional suffering. Political, national, and religious divisions exacerbate this. This situation causes pain both on a global and personal scale.

Our suffering is caused by attachments and ego-driven desires, such as the desire to prove a particular point, to blame others who are different from us, and to cling to our separate identities. During the eclipse and the whole April, we can start to heal these aspects.

On a personal level, we can heal this crisis by deep embodied connection with Oneness, of interconnection of all people as parts of the one Universal Soul.

Last but not least, I will present the practical exercise for connecting with Oneness.

Start by looking in the mirror. Observe as much about yourself as possible. As a next step, observe someone you love and note all the similarities you share. You may share the same skin tone with your partner or child. How similar can two bodies be despite their apparent differences? Then, compare your body and face with an acquaintance you don't know well. Find the similarities between you and that person. Next, observe someone you dislike, not necessarily someone you hate but someone you find annoying. What similarities do you share? All of us have noses, lips, eyes, necks and stomachs. Continue the comparison. Lastly, study a person's face that very different from yourself, who might be a member of an entirely foreign group. Do you have more physical similarities or differences?

This exercise should be done without any preconceived notions or judgments.

What if we could recognize our similarities by merely observing them from a physical perspective?

As the next step, we can ask ourselves: "What if all spiritual differences are viewed from the perspective of a magic flying carpet?. This thought is worth meditating on. Keep going, and you'll soon realize we are all on the same journey. Let’s make this journey beautiful, both for ourselves and for those around us.