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Spiritual Astro Psychotherapy is a unique approach, based on a combination of the psychological, astrological, yogic, tarot, and spiritual healing practices.

The therapy helps you identify and fulfill your life purpose in this incarnation, release anxiety and depression, and gain sustained peace of mind and contentment.

Looking for eye-opening “A-HA!”moments, a clear sense of direction, and a guide who’s been there and back?

I’m here for you during this challenging time of growth, healing and transition.

Keep reading to find out Spiritual Astro Psychotherapy is right for you!

Become the creator of your best life!




the therapy with me is for you!

You will benefit from my approach if you are

·      Going through the motions without real purpose or direction.

·      Feeling disconnected from your intuition and inner wisdom.

·      Struggling to understand who you are and what you want out of life.

·      Knowing that you are not living up to your full potential.

·      Felling that you are sabotaging your own progress.

·      Struggling with confusion and uncertainty.

·      Sensing that you are not living your life to the fullest.

·      Need guidance to find clarity, direction and purpose.

What to ExpecT

Tailoring our sacred work to your unique character, story and needs.


  1. In the beginning, I need to understand who you are on a deep level.

  2. In the following sessions, we will explore your expectations, desires, strengths, and growth areas.

  3. Next, we'll create effective strategies that can help you positively change your life.

  4. In conclusion, you will have a plan to help you manage your growth from now on.

Outcomes Experienced by My Clients

  •  Inner Peace and Contentment.

  • Passion, Joy, and Internal Drive.

  • Self-Confidence and Clear Sense of Direction.

  • Resilience: Overcoming obstacles and approaching new beginnings calmly and positively.

  • Purpose Clarity: A clear understanding of life's purpose in this incarnation.

  • Utilizing Past Life Experiences: Using gifts and lessons from previous lives to own advantage.

  • Innate Strengths:  Leaning on the innate strengths to resolve problems.

  • Connection with Guidance: Ability to recognize, connect, and trust inner guidance.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Knowing how to deal with painful emotions and fears.

  • Deep Self-Love: A profound sense of self-love and appreciation.            

  • Playfulness and Fun: Embracing playfulness and fun in life.

 Last but Certainly not Least

Ability to use passion and talents to heal the planet.

What Clients Say

For a long time, I searched for meaning & happiness in my life.
I knew the answers had to come from within, but I looked inwards and couldn’t see anything, nor did I feel anything.

Irina helped me to reveal my life purpose, the tools I have to achieve it, and the blind spots that prevent me from reaching my internal realization.
Irina’s work is deeply transformational.

She’s warm, she’s knowledgeable and committed to one’s success. Irina is a master at creating a safe space where one can be vulnerable and open to get the most out of the collaboration.

If you’ve been walking in circles searching for answers to questions deep within, I highly recommend Irina.
— SC – Marketing Strategist


Initial Assessment, including the Astrological Natal Chart analysis (90 minutes) - $350

Psychotherapy sessions (50 minutes) - $195

I don't accept insurance, but I can provide a superbill for the out-of-network insurance reimbursements and Accept payments via HSA.

Ready to connect with your True Self?

Book your free Discovery session now—and be one step closer to the life you’re meant to live.

start here

Free Discovery Session

No Charge

30 minute introductory session to get aquanted and see if we are a good match!

What Clients Say

Thanks again for everything. My life is so much richer after this experience and your guidance.

The therapy with you was eye-opening for me. I came to really understand my birth chart. It helped me realize how unique I really am (as well as everyone around me). In addition to gaining a stronger understanding of astrology, I was also able to become introspective and formulate a plan to achieve my goals and dreams in life.

Irina, you did a great job of guiding me through the entire process and making the material easy to understand and work through. Your thought-provoking questions challenged me to honestly define my goals and explore ways to go about accomplishing them.

I am very grateful to have been a part of this program and would recommend it to anyone who desires to understand themselves at the deepest level - while also creating a path forward to becoming the person they want to be.
— A.S.-Financial Analyst