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Stop struggling with Uncertainties of Life and start looking towards your future with Wonder and Excitement.

If you are a woman seeking to bridge the gap between your current circumstances and desired future, realize your Life Purpose, release anxiety and depression, and relax into a Peaceful, Joyous, and Fulfilled life - you are in the right place.

Irina Marc King, LPC, MA, MBA- Psychotherapy supplemented with Astrology, Yoga, Tarot and Spiritual Healing modalities.

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complimentary guide

Are you leading a life that You were meant to live?

Receive my free guide, personalized by zodiac sign & life path number, and learn the 10 Essential Qualities of Living Your Most Authentic Life.


Positive Change is Possible

Start living your best life in this incarnation with passion and joy.

Is it easy, is it even possible? Easy - no, possible - YES, absolutely!

When you understand your purpose, connect to your true desires and talents, and start taking steps toward your spiritual goals, the Universe will  help you grow and become the most powerful and content version of yourself.

I know what it takes to reimagine and realign one’s life—I’ve done it. And I’m here to show you how.


a woman on a mission!

Discover the deeper meaning of your life beyond the daily obligations and duties.

If you're a woman on a path of spiritual growth and self-discovery, who wants to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life but needs to know where to begin, the Spiritual Astro Psychotherapy is for you.

Release the blocks obstructing your progress and learn the skills and knowledge you need to fulfill your life purpose.

What clients say

I came to Irina because I was struggling with the direction of my life. I knew that I was not working to my full potential and needed guidance connecting to my power.

The therapy I had with her is beyond anything I expected or imagined. She dove into my astrology to get an accurate picture of who I am, she explained things about me that I had no idea about.

The therapy gave me a clear view of my life path and knowledge of how to get there. All this was possible due to Irina’s patience, compassion, and helping soul.

She is a gift. I am so glad I chose to take this journey with her. I regained my self-love, confidence, and drive because of Irina. Thank you and grateful for you.
— K.J.-Business Owner

hi! I’m Irina.

I’ve been to the brink, and now I can share with you what I know about finding deep, unshakeable happiness and fulfillment.

I am Irina, a psychotherapist, astrologer, unstoppable optimist (Leo sun, Sagittarius rising) with a deep edge (Scorpio moon), here to guide you in the discovery of your fulfilled, meaningful, and happy life.

Listen, I’ve been to the edge and came out the other side! And now my mission is to help YOU discover your unique path towards a life you love.

What clients say

Friends and family will tell you, ‘you really seem so happy and confident!’

Irina guides you to find your life’s purpose. I never understood how important the concept of purpose is in creating vision. Defining my life purpose has empowered me to develop a clear plan for my personal journey, my work life, and most importantly my spiritual development. Knowing life’s purpose ignites growth!

Irina works with you to build confidence and resilience. You must put in the work, but with Irina as a companion and guide you will be well on your way to reaching achievable goals.

I have developed a more positive and intuitive internal voice that is guiding me on my path to growth and true happiness.

I highly recommend working with Irina. This was my first step on my journey of exploration and growth. Once you begin you will realize that you had the map already in your hand, you just needed somebody to open the door for you
— W.B.-Marketing Professional