Irina Marc

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How to connect to the True Self.

The connection to the True Self is possible through the conscious ego layers such as self-awareness, self-assertiveness, self-possession, processing of trauma blocks and connection to the body, and higher-vibration emotional states.

The Ego Layer of Consciousness is centered on the individual's sense of self in relation to external forces. It comprises three essential qualities: self-awareness, self-assertiveness, and self-possession.

Self-awareness is an essential aspect of the journey to self-realization. Self-awareness is the ability to understand one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how they relate to their environment and relationships. Self-awareness is the ability to truly connect to our intrinsic motives, values, and desires, and is spiritual and is a crucial component in living out of the True Self.

Besides allowing for a greater understanding of ourselves, when we are self-aware, we are more self-confident, have higher emotional IQ, and have a stronger sense of connection with the world.

Self-assertiveness is asserting yourself confidently and effectively while respecting others' rights and opinions. From a psychological and spiritual perspective, self-assertiveness is essential to personal development. The ability to communicate our opinions and needs clearly and effectively while respecting others' views and needs is a sign of self-assertiveness.

From a spiritual standpoint, self-assertiveness is one of the expressions and manifestations of the true self. Self-assertiveness, in spiritual traditions, is seen as an expression of divine will and a vital aspect of fulfilling a person's mission. By developing more self-assertiveness, we can align ourselves with our true purpose and gain greater confidence and inner strength.

Psychological and spiritual approaches to assertiveness emphasize the importance of developing healthy self-esteem and being able to communicate effectively with other people. It involves developing greater awareness of oneself, understanding values and needs, and learning how to communicate clearly and respectfully. Self-assertiveness, as a personal development aspect, is an important factor that can help us align ourselves with our life's true mission and purpose.

Self-possession is a state of spiritual alignment where individuals are connected to their inner wisdom, higher consciousness, and the Universe. Self-possession is a state that encompasses inner calmness, self-control, and stability and allows us to navigate through life with grace and confidence. Self-possession can be viewed spiritually as a state where we are deeply connected with our inner wisdom, higher awareness, and all other beings.

Self-possession is a psychological state that involves emotional regulation and implies that we can manage our emotions and react to situations rationally and adaptively. Self-possession is a combination of emotional intelligence, self-control, and a strong sense of self-awareness.

Spiritual and psychological approaches to self-possession emphasize cultivating inner strength and resilience. Understanding one's feelings and thoughts and developing connections with one's inner self can help individuals regulate their behavior. Self-possession is a spiritual or psychological concept that involves a strong connection with one's inner self and cultivating inner stability and strength. Learning to control one's thoughts, emotions, and behavior can help individuals access inner peace and harmony.

Harmony between the body, mind, and spirit is reflected in a well-functioning, graceful body that can relax and release. To achieve such an equilibrium, you must take a holistic approach that considers all aspects of your health, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. The body's harmony with the mind and spirit can be achieved by connecting to your body intuitively and purposefully.

Spiritually healthy people align themselves with the Universe's divine will or natural order. They are not only healthy, but they also have a connection with the spiritual energy which permeates everything. Our bodies are vessels that contain this spiritual energy and should be treated with respect.

A well-functioning physical body is capable of coping with stress and emotional challenges. However, it is not just physical resilience but also emotional. Therefore, the person must recognize and manage their emotions healthily, reducing stress's impact on the body. They should also have developed effective coping mechanisms for overcoming challenges and maintaining their well-being.

The Emotional layer is a complex human experience realm encompassing a wide range of emotions and feelings. The intensity of each emotion or feeling in this layer is determined by its frequency or vibration. For example, high-vibration feelings can lead to positive feelings such as empowerment or high spirits, while low-vibration feelings deplete our energy reserves and make us feel disempowered.

Per David Hawkins, an American psychiatrist, and researcher, the higher emotional levels vibrate at 200-400 frequency. These levels are Courage, Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance, and Reason. People at these levels focus on personal growth and development and are willing to take risks to achieve their goals. They tend to be objective, calm, rational, and non-reactive.

The vibration at these levels is characterized by being optimistic and willing, open to new experiences and learning opportunities, having a positive outlook, and being driven by the desire to achieve personal fulfillment.

People at this stage of evolution demonstrate a strong capacity for logic and reason while profoundly connecting to their feelings and emotions. At this level, we are capable of independent and critical thinking; our desire for understanding and knowledge drives our actions.

The other hallmark of being in the higher vibration is the capacity for mentalization (understanding the perspective of others), and even though emotions are present, they do not drive an individual's decisions.

The highest levels, per Hawkins, are vibrating at 500-1000: Love, Joy, Peace, Bliss, Illumination, Self-Realization, and Enlightenment.

Individuals who reach any of these levels are deeply connected to love and compassion for themselves and others and are motivated by spiritual growth and service to others. The characteristical feelings are a sense of unshakable inner peace, joy, and a deep connection to the world around and other beings of this world. Enlightenment is a state that allows us to connect to the divine will directly and to understand it; it's the highest expression of spiritual growth and, at this point of evolution, is attained only by a very few highly elevated souls, such as Buddha and Christ.

Let's look at each one in detail to the higher emotional vibration necessary to access the True Self: courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, happiness, joy, and peace.

Courage can be defined as facing our fears, processing them, taking risks, and standing up for what we believe in. We must also continue our pursuit of our goals despite obstacles and difficulties.

Neutrality means being objective and impartial, the ability to stay calm during times of conflict, and the ability to view situations objectively, with an observer's mind standpoint and without preferences.

Willingness is the quality characterized by open-mindedness, receptivity, and flexibility. We are open to learning from mistakes, willingly adapt to changes, and try new things.

Acceptance is a state of peace where we are in acceptance and gratitude for the present moment. We do not attach ourselves to any outcome but are open to what life brings us.

The reason is our ability to think logically and critically. These qualities allow us to make sound judgments, solve problems quickly and effectively, and navigate complicated situations.

Love is an emotion that involves unconditional acceptance, kindness, and compassion toward yourself and others. Love is a powerful emotion that connects us and the world through empathy and connection.

Joy is a state of happiness, excitement, and delight, being open and receptive to the wonders of the Universe.

Peace is the state of calm, serenity, and tranquility despite external disturbances or turmoil. It allows us inner harmony and stillness even in chaotic situations.

Lowen, A. "Bioenergetics"

van der Kolk, B. "Body Keeps the Score.”

Hawkins, D. "Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender"

Hawkins, D. "Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The stairway to Enlightenment."